What can be considered the source of a City?
Image.source negotiates the relation of the constituting factors of cityscapes and the interpretative discourses of the built environment.

Four b/w photographs (aerial views from the social housing complex Bijlmer, Amsterdam) are digitized and transferred into ASCII images. ASCII images are usually constructed by random Text-characters; however, in "image.source" a specific text is embedded within the random characters through the use of a customized script. In order that the image and the specific text are _readable_, only one _greyshade_ is replaced by the text, darker and lighter areas are constructed by special characters (./:-=#"@)).
In this way, the text has both a visual and a semantic function.
In each image there are approximately 20 pages text embedded. Excerpts of these texts:

Textsource: Saskia Sassen
Die neue Zentralität - Auswirkungen von Telematik und Globalisierung

Textsource: Rem Koolhaas
The Generic City

Textsource: Walter Gropius
Die soziologischen Grundlagen der Minimalwohnung
2. CIAM Kongress, Frankfurt 1929

Textsource: Mike Davis
The Mercenaries, Epilogue: Gramsci vs Blade Runner

Photographs © Sabine Bitter
Perlscript Karl Seiringer
further info on the Bijlmer: "Siegfried Nassuth: the Urban Design 'Brain' behind the Bijlmer". by Mariette van Stralen, in: Siegfried Nassuth. Oeuvreprijs 1998. The Netherlands Foundation for Fine Arts, Design and Architecture, Amsterdam 1998.
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