Poetry Lab /
“Walt Whitman: a Democratic Experiment”
Date: Thursday, 30 April 2009, 7–9 pm
Location: Cabinet, 300 Nevins Street, Brooklyn (map and directions here)
FREE. No RSVP necessary
Organized by D. Graham Burnett and Jeff Dolven.
This is the first in a series of poetry events at Cabinet dedicated to reviving dead poets by unorthodox means. The inaugural event will feature readings of “Leaves of Grass” by Wayne Koestenbaum, Susan Wheeler, and C. K. Williams, alongside a series of smaller-scale improvisatory encounters with Whitman’s poems: antiphonal recitation, spontaneous translation, freehand sketching, flag-waving, and so on. The poetry lab is dedicated to discovering what more and what else can be done with a poem. Come help us find out.
For a list of all Poetry Lab events, as well as audio and images from the other installments, see here.