Artist Project / My K.A.P. Friends
The kite stuff
Sabrina Gschwandtner

This contribution is part of a portfolio of responses to Speak Not, Memory by Sina Najafi. See the other responses below.
Revolution in Mind by Albert Mobilio
Letter to an Unremembered Companion by Christine Wertheim
(Face)book of the Dead by Mary Dery
On the Misrecognition of Friends by D. Graham Burnett
Trust Me, I’ve Never Done This Before by Richard Fleming
Project For the Separation of Friends by Shelley Jackson
Sabrina Gschwandtner is a New York–based artist and the author of KnitKnit (Stewart, Tabori & Chang, 2007). Exhibitions in 2009 include her solo show “Watch & See” at Gustavsbergs Konstall, Sweden, and the traveling craftivism survey “Craftwerk 2.0,” which originated at the Jönköpings Läns Museum. In 2010, her work will be included in “Hand+Made” at the Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, and the fourth Bucharest Biennial.