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Winter 2011–2012
James Fergusson
Sir Jack Drummond’s life-saving mixture Wayne Koestenbaum
What we did Molly Gottstauk
Scripting the self Tom McCarthy
A partial genealogyMain
Mark Dorrian
Powers of Ten and the mastery of space by vision David Morris
Recalling the “Schizo-Culture” slugfest Christopher Turner
Ernest Dichter, the “Freud of Madison Avenue” Aura Satz
The many resonances of the Chladni plate Jonathan Allen
What the Smurfs did to Júzcar Cabinet
A symbolic exchange John Strausbaugh
Jean Shepherd’s I, Libertine hoax24 Hours
Jonathan Ames
A day in the life Mary Walling Blackburn
The clock is shrouded D. Graham Burnett
Who is here in the house? Luca Buvoli
Sunrise, sunset
Tim Davis
Food court night Mariana Castillo Deball
Sure, they can steal your dog Elizabeth Demaray
Morning stories, afternoon stories, evening stories Jeff Dolven
Style, not styles Leland de la Durantaye
BOOM! Lee Etheredge IV
Incantation, typed Spencer Finch
Spring forward, fall back Amelie Hastie
Clocking in to the TV Valerie Hegarty
Come sail away Shelley Jackson
The augurs of the clock Sally O’Reilly
The opposite of art Danica Phelps
To the minute George Prochnik
Still no end in sight Frances Richard
Sleep no more Peter Rostovsky
On the march David Scher
Untelling time Mario Garcia Torres
I got up at 6:35 am Margaret Wertheim
Circlon synchronicity Tirdad Zolghadr
The miseries of authorshipAnd